Thursday, June 7, 2007


Hey Everybody! So here I am, ny third and final day in Paris. Its been an interesting couple of days, so let me fill you in... side note: I am using a french keyboard, so excuse the typos and unconnected sentences. This will read like a third graders diary. My apologies.

My flight fro, JFK to DUblin was very enjoyable. Right when I sat down in my seat; I started chatting with "Anthony." He is a self described entrepeneur, who has been in the business of landscape design, brewing beer, financial planning, and anything else you can think of. As I got to know him, I really started to admire his youthful outlook on life. He was 48 years old. He told me about how he goes from job to job, making pots of money (ten points to the one who can name that reference). Anyway, I really think he was an air marshall, because as soon as our budding friendship began to blossom, he left me without a word... with two crying kids.... and more bills than a single, working class mom could pay. Hahaha, I have no idea what I am saying. Why did I make myself the mom? Anyway.

After considering having a pint of Guinness in the DUblin airport at 5 in the morning (I didnt), I hopped on a plane to Paris. Again, I had a great time with my seat mates. This time, they were two wonderful Irish women who were on their way to take a tour of the gardens of Paris with a tour group. But they were not into the whole scene and were the outlaws of the group. Very cute. THey must have been around 45 and 75 years old (mom and daughter). After getting a lesson in Irish politics (I held my tongue and didnt mention U2) we too parted ways as I entered Charles DeGaulle Airport.

Dreading the trip from CDG to Paris proper, I was surprised how easy it was. Just hopped on the RER (metro) and I was off... looking gangsta. So, how is Paris you ask?

Well, Paris is characterized by a few things: one, baguettes. Dude, eveytbody carries around huge loafs of bread, and nibbles on the, from time to time. Stick thin girls carry loaves that are bigger than them. For serious. Next: Crazy people on the metro. I have seen so many crazies in my few days that I want to do a study of homless behavior in different cities. There are two main types of homless people: Evangelists and gypsies. The evangelists get on to the metro, and once the door closes they address the entire metro car, talking at great lengths in a commanding voice. I looked around and noticed that everybody ignored them, so I tried tot do the same, even though I was facinated by them. They talk and talk (some have impressive stage presence) and once they finish their talk they go around and look for donations. This is in contrast to the gypsies, who just go up to me; ask if I speqk ENglish... its a trap! (Cue the Admiral Ackbar impression...) When I reply in the affirmative, they hold out a card, written in ENglish, describing their woes. I would love to help, but I am pretty broke as well. SUch are the homeless people.

I almost got in a fight in the metro! Me and some dude had a show down after he flicked my blazer (my favrotie blazer too)! It ened when he did an AC SLater "brush vigourously and aggressively against opponents shoulder." SItuation resolved.

I went to Normandy yesterday and saw all of the sights there: Omaha Beach, the museum, Pointe du Hoc, and a few others. I took a huge handful of sand from Omaha, to give as presents for so,e people, so if you are interested, let me know. Not much else to say about it, except that it was a powerful experience, and the Normans love their mini-golf.

In Paris, I have seen the Eiffel Tower, Les Invalides (Napoleons tomb), the Bastille memorial, the outside of Notre Dame (huge line to get in), and a few others. I live in a rather ta,e section of Paris (11 agg) which is sort of near the bastille, but not really. I walked from my hostle to Les Invalides two days ago and I thought that I would die, or become paralyzed. It took nearly four hours of endless walking. My bad. But it was worth it.

Overall, I have enjoyed Paris, but I think I am missing a big part of it. I have not really gone to a bar or club or anything like that yet (sorry, no Queen). I have been too tired fro, other activiteis.

Now I am off to go see the grave of Lafayette, and then later, hopping a train to Munich. Ill try to wrte a more interesting post when I get there (the german keyboard is very similiar to English).

Merci (which I say with a damn convincing accent)!

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