Monday, June 11, 2007

It Has Begun

Ahhh shit. I just wrote this long post about how I officially became a tour guide, and the website just deleted it. I am pretty frustrated and tired (but very happy as well), so I am keeping this really short.

I was tested
I passed
I give a tour in 10 hours
I am peeing in my pants with anxiety.

I'll re-write the post tomorrow and let you know details.


Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you. I wrote this long comment and the computer deleted it (did you have anything to do with that?)
Dad, Lauren and I were so happy to hear you got the job, not that we doubted it for a moment. We know how much you wanted this. I'm sure your tours will be wonderful and people will be coming back for more. You rule. Love, Mom xxoo

Unknown said...

Hey Matt,

I took the liberty and sent you a case of depends adult diapers to get you bye the first couple of tours. Here's a quote from their web site. No "plasticky" feel, no "crinkly" sound, not big bulges under clothing. Oh well that last part is a real downer. Anyway congratulations and no need to thank me. Besides they offered free shipping!

Your Favorite
Uncle Ray Ray

Anonymous said...

Mommy forgot to add Bellarina is very proud too!