Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fortunato's Revenge

Today's cocktail adventure is the Sherry Flip.

Having purchased a bottle of sherry yesterday, I am presented with the interesting challenge of drinking only Amontillado sherry for a week. Yesterday, I had a go at the Sherry Cobbler, that most historic of tipples (it was a huge hit at the Paris Exposition in 1867, but mostly due to the use of that newly popularized drinking implement: the straw). Sherry Cobbler is actually a lot less satisfying than it sounds: 4 oz sherry, a tablespoon of sugar, some orange slices and shake the hell out of it. Yeah, it was good, but it wasn't grand. It came out like a nutty sangria. However, in full disclosure: I didn't use a straw.

The Sherry Flip, or as I'll call it,
"Fortunato's Revenge"
3 oz Amontillado sherry
1 small egg (beaten)
1.5 tsp sugar
Shake hard with ice. Garnish with nutmeg (I used cinnamon).

As this is an egg drink, one really has to shake the hell out of it to emulsify (smooth-out) the egg. I only had large eggs, and using a full one was way too much. Next time (tonight, probably) I'll make it with only half the egg. The fate of the remaining half is to be decided.

I really liked the drink, despite its egg-cessive character. The nuttiness of the Amontillado goes well with the creaminess of the egg, and I can easily imagine fortifying this bevvie with a little rum-- if that's what I was in the mood for. It has a nice foam head on top that stays with the drink, in much the same way the head travels down a glass of Guinness.

When to drink: Chilly afternoon
Where: In a creaky study, surrounded by books. If you're consumptive, I'm sure that helps set the mood.

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