Monday, June 4, 2007


Here I am in the terminal of JFK, waiting for my flight. I am pretty sure that I am hijacking (or whatever you call it) somebody else's wireless network, so I will be brief. For all I know, Chloe is out there tracking me (with a sour puss on her face), arguing with Morris and simultaneously uploading my coordinates to Jack's PDA. For those of you who don't get these references... I'm sorry, but you have not lived yet.

The first step in my journey is a stop-over in Dublin. Therefore, I am flying "Aer Lingus." Let me tell you, I am already entertained. Call it juvenile, but dammit... accents are funny. I couldn't understand a word that the check-in lady said to me, and I was thrilled. Hopefully my luck continues on the flight. I wonder if they serve Guinness in flight? Sign me up.

I'm keeping this one short, as I have to board any second. Adieu!

Current mental status: overwhelmed
Appropriate metaphor: "a fish out of water"

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